Valentine’s Day in Japan

In japan, it is tradition for ladies to give chocolate to the men in their lives. This is not just limited to romantic interests – one is also expected to buy 義理チョコ (“giri choco”, which I believe translates to something like “social obligation chocolate), to male coworkers. This is my first valentine’s I’ve had a job, so I bought some chocolate to give to my coworkers tomorrow.

Okay so only 2 of these are actually for work – the 2 unwrapped ones. The rest are for my boyfriend, because I’m horribly indecisive and also he’ll end up sharing most of it with me anyway, so really I just indirectly bought myself a bunch of prettily wrapped chocolate.

They all had the option of being purchased pre-wrapped or not (I just chose to get the ones for work sans wrapping so I could remember which they were). They cost around 400 yen each (just below 4 dollars I believe). The most expensive one is the one in the upper right corner; it’s a Terry’s Chocolate Orange, and foreign products tend to be outrageously priced here. This one was around 700 yen. Google tells me that’s about 5 pounds, a far cry from the £1 ones I once witnessed on a vacation to Edinburgh, and still long for.

If I ever move again, it will be to Britain for the sensibly priced chocolate oranges.